Today, all flash games are dead. You had one chance.
Today, all flash games are dead. You had one chance.
This is the very first sift heads game i've played, and it's most likely the first flash game i have ever played. I'm here to leave this review 4 minutes before the 31st of december, aka the day flash will die. This entire series has made my childhood a million times better, and i'm sad to see that flash is gonna die. But i know that popbrain is still out there working on this amazing series. I would like to thank popbrain for making this awesome series, and i will remember it forever.
I've been using punk o matic since late june, and i've made 30 songs so far. I'm leaving this five star review about 15 minutes before the 31st of december, aka the day flash will die, as a tribute. I truly hope that evil dog is out there planning something, and even if he isn't, i just want to thank him for making my childhood better. Evil dog, if you're reading this, thank you for all the awesome memories. This game is the reason why i am now practicing guitar, and if this game wasn't made, then i never would have discovered my passion for music. I am also in a band that uses punk o matic to create songs. The band is called Pain of living. I also hope that punk o matic pro is still in development, because i am willing to wait an entire eternity for it to come out, but even if it doesn't, this game is awesome and i will always remember it and i hope the rest of you will too. But anyways, this review is getting a bit long. Before i go i just want to say goodbye to flash and all of the flash games that will be gone.
It has been a while, unfortunately I am no longer allowed to post anything because newgrounds accused me of copying a song with 2 views (i wish i was kidding but i'm not). I'm currently in a band called "Liquid Cosh." I will no longer be posting, sorry.
Joined on 12/1/20